Why BS6 engines have less power compare to BS4 | Editorial

Why BS6 engines have less power compare to BS4?
We are already discussed that why manufactures discontinued their diesel engines after BS6. Which is mainly due to pollution control. So reducing the pollution from a engine means that fuel should want to completely burn inside the combustion chamber. This combustion action produces in a few seconds. In higher rpm a point seconds of combustion should happen. Mainly air fuel mixture is used in the SI engine (petrol engines) for combustion process. The mixture ratio is around 14.7:1 ie, for every one gram of fuel, 14.7 grams of air are required. On the basis of BS6 norms, the supply of air should be a good quality and the fuel will have highly refined for BS6 engines. BS6 fuels are now available, and it is good for theses engines. These fuels contain 10ppm of sulfur content than the BS4 fuels it helps to your engine more efficient.
In BS6 the engine wants less amount of fuel, and more air is supplied to the chamber so that it helps for efficient burning. But the power should be little bit less. But it delivers a good amount of fuel efficiency. Power loss is mainly due to the limiting of rpm. When you rev the motor in high rpm the fuel pump technology cut the fuel supply to inlet valve. These fuel pump already programmed by a chip set which is called ECU (electronic control unit, module) it works under the basis of engine rpm.

So FI technology limits the Fuel ratio thats why the BS6 engine has less power compared to the BS4. In super bikes this is not a factor most of the super bikes have same bhp in older and newer versions.

by hibeam | Editorial

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